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What is the maximum daily working time?
What is the maximum daily working time?
Updated over 5 months ago

1. Hotels, Cafés, Restaurants (HCR)

  • Off-site administrative staff: 10 hours

  • Cook: 11 hours

  • Other staff: 11 h 30

  • Night watchman: 12 hours

  • Reception staff: 12 hours

The daily working hours for a night worker may not exceed 8 hours. Over a period of 12 consecutive weeks, the weekly working hours for a night worker may not exceed 40 hours.

2. Fast-food restaurants

  • Maximum daily working hours: 10 hours.

3. Bakery

  • Maximum daily working hours: 10 hours

  • Night shift: 8 hours (exceptionally 10 hours)

What is the maximum working week?

Whatever your agreement, the maximum working week is 48 hours. Over a 12-week period, the average weekly volume cannot exceed 46 hours.

Please note

For the HCR and boulangerie-pâtisserie collective agreements, the maximum weekly working time for a night worker cannot exceed 40 hours over a 12-week period, and 44 hours in the case of modulation.

What is the maximum working week?

Whatever your collective agreement, the legal time between the first and last shift of the day cannot exceed 13 hours.

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