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How to copy, move and delete one or several shifts?
How to copy, move and delete one or several shifts?
Updated over 2 months ago

Proper shift management is essential to maintaining a well-organized schedule that meets your team’s needs. With Skello, you can manage individual shifts or perform bulk actions on multiple shifts to save time and increase efficiency.

Managing a single shift

If you need to edit or adjust a single shift, here are the available actions:

1. How to add a shift to an employee for a specific day?

  • Click on the + that appears when you hover over the cell corresponding to the employee and the desired day.

  • A pop-up window will open. Fill in the details of the shift.

  • Click Create to confirm and save the shift.

2. How to copy or move a shift?

  • Hover your mouse over the shift. A white hand icon will appear.

  • Click and hold the shift, then drag it to another cell in the schedule

  • Two options will appear:

    • Move: Drag the shift to the left.

    • Copy: Drag the shift to the right.

👉 Tip: Copying a shift is perfect for quickly replicating recurring schedules.

3. How to delete a shift?

  • Click on the shift you want to delete.

  • In the pop-up window, click on Delete.

👉 Tip: To delete all the shifts scheduled for an entire week for one or more employees, click on the three dots at the top left of the schedule, then select Delete shifts for the week.

4. How to unassign a shift?

  • On the schedule, hover over the shift and click on the three dots in the bottom-right corner of the shift.

  • Select the Unassign icon (a person icon) to unassign the shift from the employee.

👉 Tip: Use this option to keep the shift details while making it available in the Unassigned shifts line for later reassignment.

For more information about the unassigned shifts line, check out this article.

Managing multiple shifts at once: bulk actions

Skello allows you to apply bulk actions to multiple shifts or cells, making it easier to perform large-scale or repetitive adjustments to your schedule.

1. How to add a shift for multiple employees across several days?

  • Select multiple empty cells by holding CMD (Mac) or CTRL (Windows) while clicking on the desired cells.

  • Right-click on one of the selected cells to open the action menu, then click on Add a shift.

  • A pop-up window will open. Fill in the details of the shift.

  • Click Create to confirm and save the shift.

👉 Note: The shift will automatically be added to all the selected cells.

2. How to copy multiple shifts?

  1. Select multiple shifts:

    • Hold CMD (Mac) or CTRL (Windows) while clicking on the shifts you want to copy.

  2. Copy the selected shifts:

    • Right-click on one of the selected shifts and click Copy in the action menu.

    • Alternatively, use the keyboard shortcuts: CMD + C (Mac) or CTRL + C (Windows).

  3. Paste the copied shifts where needed:

    • Right-click on a cell (empty or already containing a shift) and select Paste in the action menu.

    • Alternatively, use the keyboard shortcuts: CMD + V (Mac) or CTRL + V (Windows).

👉 Note: If the destination cell already contains a shift, the existing shift will not be replaced. The copied shifts will be added in addition.

3. How to delete multiple shifts?

  • Select multiple shifts by holding CMD (Mac) or CTRL (Windows).

  • Right-click on one of the selected shifts and click Delete.

4. How to unassign multiple shifts?

  • Select multiple shifts by holding CMD (Mac) or CTRL (Windows).

  • Right-click on one of the selected shifts and click on the Unassigned button.

👉 Note: Use this option to keep the shifts details while making them available in the Unassigned shifts line for later reassignment.

For more information about the unassigned shifts line, check out this article.

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