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Publishing the schedule
Publishing the schedule
Eléonore Prudhomme avatar
Written by Eléonore Prudhomme
Updated over a week ago

Once the schedule is done is has to be published to be viewed by the employees. This article explains the steps to follow to publish the schedule and how to publish the schedule once there’s been a modification.

Publishing the schedule once it’s done

Once the schedule is done it has to be published for it to be seen by the employees. This article explains the steps to follow to share the schedule through different channels.

To publish the schedule head to the tab Schedule > Week > Publish the schedule

Click on the blue button on the far right to publish the schedule.

⚠️ Publishing the schedule has to be done on a weekly basis. It is not possible to publish it on a daily or monthly basis

Different channels to publish the schedule to your team

  • Choose to which employee you’d like to share the schedule of the week: either everyone, employees of a team or employees of your choice

  • Publish the schedule by e-mail: make sure prior to publishing that the e-mail is filled in the tab Employee > Personnal Information. He’ll recieve an email with a link that will enable him to set up a password. Once this is done, he’ll have access to his account. He’ll be able to download his schedule in PDF format or log in to his account. 💡It is also possible to add a note when the schedule is published by email.

  • Publish the schedule by sms: make sure that the phone number is filled in the Employee tab > Personnal Information. He will receive an SMSwith his schedule. There’s no need for the latest Iphone to view the schedule. The schedule will simply be listed day by day with the position.

  • Share the schedule on the app: the schedule once published will no matter what be published through the app. He’ll receive a notification on the app to notifiy him that the schedule has been published.

Share the schedule once it’s been modified

Once the schedule has been published and there hasn’t been any change, the button “publish the schedule” becomes grey.

  • Once the schedule hasn’t been published to all employees : the button “publish the schedule” will remain blue and will indicate to whom it has been published. It’s possible to click on the button “publish the schedule” again to send the schedule to remaining employees

  • If there’s been a modification since it’s publication : the button “publish the schedule” will become blue again and you’ll be able to publish it again only to the employees where there’s been a change

⚠️ Once the schedule has been published to the employees you won’t be able to ban them from having access to the schedule. They’ll be able to take a look at the schedule that has been modified even though it hasn’t been published again.

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