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Customize levels of permissions and actions
Customize levels of permissions and actions

Access, handle and customize the different levels of permissions & actions allowed

Eléonore Prudhomme avatar
Written by Eléonore Prudhomme
Updated over a week ago

Skello allows you to customize access for each employee, depending on their level of permission.

Each level corresponds to a certain set of operations that your employees will or will not be authorized to perform on Skello.

The themes addressed in this article are :

  • How to access the different levels of permissions & actions allowed

  • Ho to customize the different levels of permissions & actions allowed

  • Customize the employees level of permission

To find out more about the different levels of permissions, check out this article 👉 The different levels of permissions.

How to access the different levels of permissions & actions allowed

The tab Levels of permissions & actions allowed is accessible through the tab “General Settings” of your Skello.

Location Settings ⚙️ > General Settings > Levels of permission and actions allowed

As a shortcut : Click on the arrow next to your initials top right hand corner > drop-down menu > click on the name of the organization

You can personalize and authorize different levels of permissions in your organization by clicking on the tab “Customize”

⚠️ If you have more than one shop in your organization the settings of levels of permissions and actions will be the same for all shops

By default, in Success and Premium subscriptions, several levels of permissions are activated at the creation of the organisation: System administrator, advanced master, advanced planner, standard employee.

  • It is possible to activate a new permission level if not all levels are activated on your account 👉 Contact the support team via the blue bubble at the bottom right of the screen to request activation of a new permission level.

  • It is possible to deactivate an unused permission level in a single shop or multiple shops in the organization : remove the blue tick at the bottom left of the box. Once the level has been deactivated, the permission level is no longer accessible in the employee tab.

Setting up Managers' permissions

The Master & Planner permission levels are customizable to define the data accessible and actions allowed by your managers.

⚠️ The System Administrator permission cannot be set. It gives access to all data and actions in the organisation.

Data available to managers

You can choose to give access to data :

  • that concern the location to which the manager is attached to

  • only data concerning the team(s) they manage

Permitted actions for managers

The actions that can be allowed for planners and masters are the following :

  • The schedule : create, modify, lock, publish

  • Employee tab : view employee files, edit employee files, archive or restore an employee, view and edit sensitive employee information (salary & bank details), change employees’ contracted hours , add amendments, access my employees’ document space (view, import or delete files), add employees, view the PTO tracker, manage employee requests (unavailibility, leave, shift swaps) , make my own leave requests, edit my own HR file, add my own documents, access my hour tracker/ total hours in the app

  • The report : view the report, change the export settings for the report, add and modify bonuses, add and edit comments

  • Settings actions : create positions and teams , view the rules and absences for the location, edit the rules and absences for the location, activate collective agreements alerts and edit the rules of the report, change levels of permissions and actions allowed, change the billing information for the location, create a location, manage document templates

  • Time clock actions : view the time clock tab, edit the time clock, access the time clock settings

  • The dashboard : access to management indicators on the schedule and the dashboard, receive the activity report

Some actions are allowed by default in each permission level.

You can customise the settings by checking off more actions or unchecking the actions you do not wish to allow before confirming.

There are 4 levels of permissions for managers: advanced master, standard master, advanced planner, standard planner.

Some actions are not accessible for standard levels of permissions such as modifying certain facility parameters, accessing sensitive employee data. These actions appear grayed out in the list of actions to be allowed.

💡A Read-only permission - standard or advanced - can be set to give access to the schedule, report, and employee data, without being able to modify the data. This permission can be used for payroll managers, CFOs and external parties (accountants, consultants). The setting of this permission level works in the same way as the planner and master permissions.

Defining permissions for employees

Two levels of permissions can be set for employees: Advanced Employee and Standard Employee.

As for managers it is possible to extend the access of employees to the data of the location in which they work or to restrict it to either the data of their team(s) or to the data which only concerns them.

Actions that may be permitted for employees include :

Schedule actions : request a shift swap

Actions in the employees tab : make your own availability requests, make your own leave requests , edit your own HR file , add your own documents, access your hour tracker/ total of hours in the app.

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