Why is it important?
Hour trackers are used to manage working time compensation, also known as overtime recovery.
How do I activate hour trackers?
Access hour trackers:
Go to Establishment settings > Trackers.
Click on the button to start the settings.
General operation:
Additional hours compensation applies to employees on standard contracts with a defined hourly volume.
Additional hours are calculated from Monday to Sunday and adjusted weekly according to attendance or absences.
This does not apply to employees on fixed-day or Extra contracts.
A days-worked tracker is available for employees on day-rate contracts. The counter can be modified or reset to zero if additional hours are paid.
New employees:
Their hour tracker is automatically activated according to the contract start date.
How to set up hour trackers?
Initialize trackers:
On activation, a window opens to initialize hour trackers.
Activate hours surcharge (optional):
This option allows additional hours to be paid at the rate specified in the Collective Agreement.
For example, 10% overtime turns 1 hour of additional hours into 1 hour and 6 minutes of compensatory rest.
The bonus can be activated at start-up or at a later date.
Choose the initialization week:
Select the Sunday preceding the first week of use.
The initialization date is always a Sunday, to record hours worked in a full week.
You can change the initialization date in the employee file > History / Counters > Hour tracker.
Resume history:
Enter the number of hours worked before the tracker was activated.
Use the “+” and “-” buttons to add a positive or negative balance.
All boxes must be filled in (enter 0 for a zero balance).
Convert hours to decimal values (e.g. 4:30 = 4.5).
Confirm activation:
Click on Validate to activate additional hours compensation.
It is not advisable to deactivate this feature after activation, as the hour tracker history will be erased.