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Connect partner tools to Skello
Connect partner tools to Skello

This article presents how to connect your POS software program, payroll software and analysis software program to Skello

Eléonore Prudhomme avatar
Written by Eléonore Prudhomme
Updated over a week ago

Topics presented in this article

  • Connecting your payroll software

  • Connecting your POS software

  • Connecting your analysis software program

  • Connecting you advance payment software

To connect your software and find out more about our different partners head to Location settings ⚙️ > General settings ⚙️ > Partner tools

Payroll software

When preparing the payroll, Skello uses the report to provide a summary of all the payroll information needed : hours worked, overtime, absences, rest days, meals, etc.

The connection between your Skello account and your payroll software allows you to send the data from the report to a partner tool, to make payroll preparation easier.

Depending on the software, data can be communicated via integration or by sending compatible files.

  • The Payfit tool is connected to your Skello account via an integration. When choosing to export the report to Payfit, from the report tab, the data for the selected period is automatically transmitted to your Payfit account.

  • Connecting your Skello account with other payroll software allows you to export the payroll report in a file compatible with your software so that you can integrate it into your software and prepare the payroll. Connection is currently possible with the following software: Silae, Sage, Quadratus, Wingip, Spayr, Sage, Cegid, E-Paye, ADP, Extalys, Inexpaie.

⚠️ Connecting your Skello account with payroll software is in addition to your subscription.

Contact your account manager or our support team to set up this option.

POS software

Connecting your POS software to your Skello account allows you to correlate your revenue (exl. taxes) and articles sold recorded in your location with the employee working hours on a daily basis, in order to analyse your performance.

The following POS software can be connected to Skello :

The data recorded on the till is communicated to Skello during the night, when the till has been closed.

⚠️ If the till software has not been closed before 5:00 am, the turnover and sales volume cannot be communicated to Skello.

To activate the connection with your POS software, click on the button to the right of the software name. Depending on the software, you’ll be asked to either enter your credentials or an API key.

Once the connection between the POS software has been activated, you need to link your location with your payroll software, by clicking on the arrow next to the activated button on the right.

⚠️ Only one type of POS software can be connected per organisation: either Zelty, Lightspeed or Tiller.

Your revenue and items from your POS software will appear in the performance indicators tab on Skello. You’ll find this on the schedule tab on the week view > click on the icon representing a graph at the bottom left of the schedule.

Analysis software program

Skello can be connected to Dvore analysis software to transmit performance data from your location(s).

To activate the integration : click on the button on the right, opposite the name of the software > enter the token code provided in your Dvore account.

Advance payment software

Your Skello account can be connected to the Rosaly software, to manage advance payment requests

This integration enables the hours worked and the hourly rate entered in Skello to be uploaded automatically to Rosaly.

To activate the integration, a legal consent form must be downloaded and signed before being sent to a sales person.

Click on the link accessible from the General settings ⚙️> Partner tools > Payroll software > Rosaly

👉 Contact a member of our support team or sales person to set up this option.

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