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Define the locations operating rules
Define the locations operating rules

This article explains how to adapt the tool's settings for your establishment.

Eléonore Prudhomme avatar
Written by Eléonore Prudhomme
Updated over a week ago

Topics covered in this article :

  • Defining the collective agreement

  • Defining working hours

  • Triggering a break by default

  • Activating or deactivating paid breaks

  • Fill the payroll tax rate in %

To access those different settings go to Location Settings ⚙️ > Rules > Basic Rules

Select your collective agreement

First things first is to select your collective agreement on Skello. This step is crucial and has an impact on :

  • Premium hours : premium pay for overtime, additional hours, night hours, Sunday and holiday hours depends on your collective agreement.

  • Alerts : various alerts will be triggered and appear automatically on the schedule to help you comply with the constraints of your collective agreement. These alerts are predefined according to your collective agreement and can be personalized.

  • Employee contracts : the status and level of the employees that can be filled in the employee file will be adapted to your collective agreement.

The collective agreement selected when the facility was created can be modified, if required, from the facility's basic rules. Establishment settings > Basic rules.

💡 If you cannot find you collective agreement in Skello 👉 reach out to the sales person or our support team to activate a flexible collective agreement. This will enable you to fill in your premium hours and alerts.

Define working hours

The working hours entered correspond to the range of hours during which employees can work in you establishment.

When work shifts are created on the schedule, the minimum and maximum start and end times for shifts will correspond to the working hours.

⚠️ To avoid any malfunction, the establishment's opening and closing times must not be changed.

⚠️ For establishments using the time clock : if an employee clocks in and clocks out outside opening hours, his shift punches cannot be taken into account.

💡 Working hours can be set from 00:00 to 00:00. Search for 00:00 at the beginning of the drop-down list to define this closing time.

Trigger a break by default

Whether paid or unpaid, a break can automatically be triggered on a shift after a set number of consecutive hour worked.

⚠️ The break is automatically triggered on the shift if its duration exceeds the number of hours defined in this parameter.

If you define an automatic break after 6 consecutive hours worked, the break is triggered on a shift after 6.01and not 6.

⚠️ For a break to be triggered, consecutive working hours must be entered on the same shift. If several shifts are planned in a row (i.e. with a different job for each shift), the break cannot be triggered.

💡The time at which the break can be be taken cannot be set in the shift. To specify those, it is preferable to plan two shifts with the break time in between.

💡You can also determine the length of the break in the shift.

👉 Find out how to configure job titles

Activate paid breaks

Employee break times can be paid or unpaid, and therefore included in or deducted from the duration of the shift.

  • If break time is paid, it is included in the duration of the shift. Tick the Enable paid breaks option.

💡Once this option is activated, it is then possible to have the total hours worked and the total hours worked (breaks excluded) from the report export 👉 find out more about the report export.

  • If the break time is not paid, it is deducted from the duration of the shift. Leave the option unchecked.

In the time clock rules tab, you can determine if you want your employees to clock in/out when taking a break.

This must be set in 👉 Time clock rules

Filling in the payroll tax rate

The payroll taxe rate is used to calculate the hourly labor cost for your employee.

If this percentage is defined in the establishment's rules, it will be applied automatically to the information entered in the employee file.

The employee's gross hourly rate is useful for analyzing the performance indicator available on the platform 👉 Track the establishment's performance indicators

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