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Setting absences

This article explains and presents the different absences on Skello and how to use them.

Eléonore Prudhomme avatar
Written by Eléonore Prudhomme
Updated over a week ago

Topics covered in this article :

  • General information on absences

  • Absences without overtime pay

  • Absences with overtime pay

To find out how to plan absences once they have been set up in your establishment, see this article 👉 Planning absences

General information on absences

Head at the top right of your Skello > Location settings > Absences tab

Absence categories are organized differently depending on whether or not overtime compensation is activated in the establishment's settings.

Activate/deactivate an absence

The list of proposed absences covers all the reasons generally used to justify an employee's absence.

In these same settings, you can activate or deactivate absence categories that you do not use so that they no longer appear in the list of proposed absences when an absence is added to the schedule.

💡Good to know

  • It is not possible to personalize the name of an absence or add one to the existing list.

  • It is not possible to change the colors of absence shifts on the schedule

Maintain meal allowance in the event of absence

Tick the Compensatory allowance box to the right of the reason for absence.

If this box is checked when an absence is planned, compensation for a meal is automatically added to the report tab.

⚠️ Regardless of the hours or duration of the absence shift, a meal will be taken into account.

⚠️ Meal settings must be activated in the establishment for meal compensation to be taken into account : Location settings ⚙️ > Rules > Meal settings

Acquiring paid leave in the event of absence

Scheduling an absence can have an impact on the accrual of PTO for the month concerned.

Certain absences are nevertheless considered as actual working time, and make it possible to maintain the full acquisition of paid leave when they are planned.

These absences are highlighted in the list of absences, with a Yes in the Enables the accrual of PTO.

Absences that are not marked with a Yes but with a hyphen, impacts the number of PTO accrual.

💡The employee's PTO tracker can be modified manually if your collective agreement provides for a PTO even though the employee is absent.

⚠️ PTO accrual is possible when the PTO tracker is activated in location settings.

Absences without overtime compensation

If the establishment operates without overtime compensation, absences are divided into 4 categories:

  • Absences compensated by the employer are paid absences. Those are considered like working time.

These absences include : balance of account, bank holiday, bereavement leave, clothes-changing time, compensation in Lieu of Notice, compensatory time, compensatory time for night hours, contractural rest, family event leave, medical appointment leave, meeting, paid authorized absence, PTO, seniority leave, short-time working hours, staff delegation, time off in lieu for holiday work, TOIL, training, work study, home office

  • Absences compensated by a third party. Those are not paid by the employer and are covered by the social care.

Absences compensated by a third party are : accident at work, adoption leave, communting accident, maternity leave, occupational disease, paternity leave, permanent disability, sick leave, therapeutic part-time work

  • Uncompensated absences are absences for which neither the employer nor a third party will pay for.

Uncompensated absences are : administrative suspension, arrival/departure absence, authorized absence, childcare leave, early departure, parental leave, sick child leave, strike, suspension, time off in lieu, unjustified absence, unpaid leave

  • Neutral absences are absences that will not impact the total number of hours scheduled. They are not paid and are used for information purposes only.

Neutral absences are : break, on call and weekly rest.

Absences with overtime compensation

If overtime compensation is activated in the Location Settings, absences are divided into 3 categories.

💡 Some absences can be defined as either included or not included in the tracker. They can be identified by the 6 dots to the left of the line: click on the 6 dots to select the absence and drag it to the desired category.

It is necessary to indicate the date from which the change of category takes effect : the calculation of hours is restarted according to the new absences settings, from the date indicated.

⚠️ Is it is not possible to find out the date on which an absence was moved to a category.

You can also customize the absences not included in the tracker. For example, if you do not want to deduct unjustified absences from the tracker, you can move that absence type to the "absences included in the tracker" category and confirm your choice at the bottom of the page.

  • Absences included in the hour tracker are considered as actual working time according to the hour tracker.

They are scheduled in this way to avoid discrepancies in the employee's total weekly hours when he is absent.

The employee will not be asked to catch up those hours.

These hours of absence are recorded in the report so that they can be deducted from the employee's pay.

Example: An employee is absent this week because he is in training. I plan a "training" absence for the whole week. His total for the week is 35 hours, so the employee has no hours to catch up.

  • Absences not included in the hour tracker, on the other hand, may create a negative difference on the tracker, as they are not considered as actual working time.

These absences are planned in order to understand the reasons for the employee's absence on the schedule, and are listed in the absence column of the report for information purposes. If these hours are compensated by working hours in the following weeks, the absence should not be deducted from the employee's pay.

Example: the employee normally works 35 hours a week, but works 30 hours and is absent for 5 hours during the week. He therefore has a balance of -5 hours. He will be able to make up for theses 5 hours by working more on the following weeks.

  • Neutral absences

Neutral absences have no impact on the total hours planned for the week. These are used for information purposes and will appear on the report.

Neutral absences are : on-call, break and weekly rest.

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