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Optimize your schedule by adding your staff needs
Optimize your schedule by adding your staff needs

Add your staff needs per quarter-hour (or workload) on a daily basis, to create customized schedules.

Eléonore Prudhomme avatar
Written by Eléonore Prudhomme
Updated over a week ago

The topics covered in this article are :

  • Adding your staff needs from a template

  • Adding and duplicating staff needs on Skello

  • Creating customized schedules

💡The staff needs feature can be accessed from the day view of the schedule.

Click on the graphic icon in the toolbar, next to the printer icon.

⚠️The staff needs feature is available with a premium subscription only.

Entering staffing needs from a template

Your staff needs can be filled in a template which is to be downloaded from Skello and completed. Once completed, the document needs to be uploaded in your Skello.

Download the template

Click on the staff needs icon > select "Download the template to complete" from the drop-down menu.

⚠️ Staff needs must be entered in the template downloaded from the Skello platform. They cannot be completed on another Excel document.

Select the period of your staff needs > then click on Download.

⚠️ Fill in up to two weeks of staff needs maximum.

A document is downloaded in Excel (.xls) format, which can be filled in with staff needs, by the quarter-hour and shift by shift, on all days of the selected period.

💡 If you don’t have Excel the document can be filled in from Libre Office or from Google sheet.

Complete the template by indicating your staff needs for each shift for each quarter of an hour.

  • If there are no requirements for a shift, leave the box blank.

  • If there is a need : enter the number of people required at that time.

💡 To speed things up, in Excel, you can copy/paste the information entered in the boxes if the staffing requirement remains the same.

Example: in my establishment at night I don't need a cook. But I do need at least 2 waiters, 1 receptionist until 00:45, then only 2 people. That's how I fill in my staffing requirements on the template.

💡The time slot proposed on the template takes into account the establishment's opening hours.

Import the completed template

From the Staff needs icon > select "Import completed template”

Select the file saved on your computer as the template and then click on the import button.

⚠️ If the file contains an error, it cannot be imported. An error message appears with details of the errors found in the file, to correct it and alter the import.

💡If a first template has been successfully imported, it can be a modified with a new uploaded template : click again on "Import completed template" from the Staff requirements icon.

A window opens, entitled “Manage conflicting needs on the schedule”. This enables to :

  • Keep the staff needs that had already been entered, and therefore ignore the import of the new template.

  • Replace existing staff needs by the new ones, thus replacing the old template by the new one.

Enter and duplicate staff needs from Skello

Add manually

Staff rneeds for a given day can be entered manually from Skello, without having to import a completed template.

This option can be used to staff needs or to modify requirements already entered manually or from an imported template.

From the Staff needs icon > select Add manually from the drop-down menu.

A table appears at the bottom of the page where staffing needs can be entered by the quarter-hour and by shift, as with the downloaded template (see above).

To enter a value in the table: double-click on the box corresponding to the shift of your choice.

Once the staff needs have been manually added to the table > click on the Add button at the bottom right of the table.

💡The staff needs entered for the day can be modified or added by clicking on the Staff needs icon > Modify needs again

Duplicate a day

Once needs have been entered for a given day, the day can be used as a template, and staff needs can be duplicated on other days.

From the Staff needs icon > select Duplicate a day

  • Select a day to duplicate

  • Select positions to duplicate

  • Choose a date to which you wish to apply those staff needs

💡Staff needs can be duplicated on either the past or the future. Simply select the dates on the calendar.

Create customized schedules

The staff needs entered for a given day enables you to create a customized schedule.

Staff needs appear as a graph above the day-view schedule.

💡The graph can either by visible or hidden, by clicking on the arrow next to the heading “Staff needs” on the left hand side.

By clicking on the arrow next to All positions, the list of positions appears: it is possible to view the staff needs for all positions at the same time, or to select just one position.

⚠️ There is no correlation between the Staff Needs feature and the filter used on the schedule

When shifts are created on the schedule, the graph shows whether the right number of people are shifted on the shift.

In the example below, two people are shifted from midnight to 2:00 a.m when there should be three for 45 minutes. On the other hand, three people are shifted from 2:00 a.m., whereas I only need two people on this shift at that time.

⚠️ When no position is selected, the graph takes into account all staff needs whatever the position.

💡When the mouse hovers over the graph, it gives details by position and the number of people shifted in relation to the needs.

💡Once schedules have been created based on staff needs over a period, it is possible to create a schedule template, which can be used on days and/or weeks for which the facility has the same staff needs.

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