Why is this important?
Performance indicators help you assess the efficiency of your establishment. From the Schedule tab, in week view, these indicators can be accessed by clicking on the 📈 icon at the bottom left of the page.
Which indicators are available?
Sales & Volume sales
Add data: Double-click in the table on the dedicated box to report daily sales and sales volume.
Data can be added from the indicators table in the Schedule tab, or from the Time Clock tab, once the day has been validated.
Skello can be connected to certain cash register software (Zelty, Lightspeed, Tiller, L'Addition...) to retrieve daily sales figures and volumes. The cash register must be closed before 5 a.m. for data to be transmitted to Skello. Connect Skello to your cash register software.
Average basket
Calculation: Sales for the day/week divided by sales volume.
Formula: Sales / Sales volume
Volume productivity
Calculation: Sales volume divided by hours worked (shifted) by employees during the day.
Formula: Sales volume / Hours worked
Total payroll
These data are entered in the contractual and salary data for employees. Complete this section for all employees to obtain reliable indicators.
Scheduled hours
Total hours scheduled for employees on the day's schedule.
Any changes to the schedule on or after D-day will only affect hours worked.
Hours worked
Total hours shifted during the day, excluding absences.
Productive labor cost
Labor cost of shifted employees, multiplied by the number of hours worked.
Formula: Labor cost x Hours worked
Unproductive labor cost
Average loaded hourly rate, multiplied by employer-compensated absences for the day.
Formula: Average rate x Hours of compensated absences
Personnel ratio
Report between labor cost of shifted employees and sales.
Formula: Labor cost / Sales
Value productivity
Ratio between sales figures and hours worked.
Formula: Sales / Hours worked
How to customize monitoring?
The performance indicator table can be customized by selecting the indicators that interest you most.
Click on the three vertical dots to the right of the indicator table.
Select Display options to customize the indicators displayed.