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Understanding the report

This article explains how to read and understand the payroll report on Skello

Eléonore Prudhomme avatar
Written by Eléonore Prudhomme
Updated over a week ago

In this article you will find details of what can be found in each tab of the report

  • Contract details

  • Salary information

  • Scheduled hours for the period

  • Premium hours

  • Total absences for the period

  • Pay elements

  • Comments

The "report" tab, calculates and summarises in a spreadsheet, over a chosen period, the elements required to do the payslips of your employees

To access the report click on the Report tab and select the start and end dates of the desired period.

The report can be viewed online at any time to monitor the data and can be exported to Excel to prepare the payslips at the end of the chosen period

The online report consists of 7 tabs which can be opened or closed if needed.

Click on the tab to open or close it

Tab 1 : Contract data

This first tab contains all the data relating to the employee's contract :

  • Employee's payroll number

  • Type of contract

  • Employee's job title

  • Contract start and end dates

  • Archive notes: these are notes left in the employee's file when he or she is archived. ⚠️ When an employee is archived, he continues to appear in the report for one month.

This information is entered in the employee's file in his contract and salary information 👉 Create an employee file

Tab 2 : Salary information

This tab provides information on the contract and salary :

  • Monthly contracted hours

  • Average gross hourly rate

  • Gross monthly salary

This information is handpicked from the Employee tab > Contract and salary information tab

Tab 3 : Scheduled hours for the period

This tab shows the hours worked by the employee each week during the selected period. The columns displayed are not the same depending on the settings of your location ⚙️

If overtime compensation is activated

  • Tracker start of period : this is the employee's tracker balance on the Sunday before the start of the selected period.

  • Number of hours worked each week in the selected period. Overtime hours are shown in red and short time hours are shown in blue. This information enables you to track changes in the tracker between the start and end of the period.

💡For employees on a fixed day rate: the number of day(s) worked during the period appears week by week.

  • Tracker end of period : this is the balance of the employee's tracker on the last Sunday of the selected period. ⚠️ If the counter is modified or reset to zero, the end of period tracker is the tracker balance after the modification.

  • Adjustment to the tracker : if the counter is modified or reset to zero, the value of the modification is listed in this column.

If overtime compensation is not activated

  • Total break time is the break taken by the employee during the selected period.

  • Number of overtime hours worked per week by the employee during the period. Only overtime hours appear in red in this column. ⚠️ If the employee worked fewer hours than written in his contract , the information does not appear in the report.

💡For employees working a fixed day rate: the number of day(s) worked during the period appears week by week.

Tab 4 : Premium hours

This tab provides detail of premium hours whenever your employee has done overtime in accordance with your collective agreement

⚠️Those premium hours are isolated in this tab. They are not to be added with hours worked.

💡Additional hours are a period of temporary increase in the working time of a part-time employee. The introduction of additional hours must be provided for in a collective agreement or an extended branch agreement.

A distinction is made between :

  • Structural overtime is the term used when an employee works more than the legal 35 hours per week. It is written in his contract. These are worked and paid in the same way every month.

  • Exceptional overtime is applied to employees who have worked beyond their assigned hours

In the case of a part-time contract, the hours worked over and above those stipulated in the contract are referred to as additional hours.

The Premium Hours tab is organized differently, depending on settings of the location ⚙️whether or not overtime compensation is activated, with or without a premium.

It shows:

  • Additional hours

  • Exceptional overtime hours

  • Total structural overtime hours

  • Structural overtime hours

  • Night hours

  • Sunday premium hours

  • Holiday hours

Tab 5: Total absences period

This tab lists the hours of planned absences by employee over the chosen period.

⚠️ Only absences planned on the schedule will appear in the tab as a heading. i.e if no sick leave was planned on the schedule, you will not find it in the tab.

Tab 6: Pay elements

Here you will find benefits in addition to the employee's salary :

  • Bonuses/Advances (€): To add a bonus or an advance, click on the + to the left of the column and enter the amount added to or withdrawn from the payslip pay. In the case of a bonus, the amount is entered as positive, whereas for an advance, the amount must therefore be entered as negative, with a - in front of it. 💡The amount of the bonus or advance can be changed by clicking on the + again. Add or remove the value required to adjust the amount of the premium/advance. It is also possible to delete the first amount entered, to enter a different one. 💡It is possible to add a bonus AND an advance over the same period: the amount of each operation is specified on the exported report.

⚠️ The date entered for adding the bonus/advance corresponds to the month of the start of the report period. This date can be modified if required. For example: if the report period starts on 27/02, the date proposed for the bonus/advance is February.

  • Meals : number of meals paid for (benefits in kind and compensation or meal vouchers), or amount of meal allowances to be paid to the employee at the end of the period.

  • Transportation cost : this is to be entered in the Employee file > name of the employee concerned > Contract and salary information tab > far bottom . It corresponds to the amount paid by the employer each month (generally 50% of the transportation costs incurred by the employee).

Tab 7: Comments

In this tab you can leave comments for your accountant or payroll manager.

Comments will be exported to Excel version of the report but do not appear anywhere else on Skello.

⚠️ Once a comment has been added to the report it can be edited and updated but it cannot be deleted

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