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Using an employee's hour tracker

This article explains how to track and modify hours in an employee's hour tracker

Eléonore Prudhomme avatar
Written by Eléonore Prudhomme
Updated over a week ago

Topics covered in this article are :

  • Conditions required to activate the hour tracker

  • Tracking overtime in the tracker

  • Modify the hour tracker

The hour tracker is used to track the number of hours worked by employees, week by week, as part of overtime compensation.

To find out how to set up hour tracker in your establishment, see this article 👉 How to set up the hour tracker.

Conditions required to activate the hour tracker

To keep track of overtime or on the contrary, hours that the employee owes you, you must:

  • Activate modulation for overtime in the hour tracker (with or without premium pay)

  • The contract entered in the employee's file > in the Contract & salary information tab > must contain a volume of hours worked per week, or a number of days worked per year

💡 Good to know: employees on fixed-rate day contracts can also have a tracker. In this case, we don't speak of an hour tracker but a day tracker.

💡 Overtime is calculated on a weekly basis, from Monday to Sunday, according to the weekly base stipulated in the employee's employment contract.

The balance corresponds to the number of hours worked and absences included in the tracker. This balance will vary each week, to modulate the employee's working time.

⚠️ An employee with a temporary contract cannot have an hour tracker as the contract does not specify the number of hours worked per week.

When overtime compensation is activated in the facility settings, all employees whose contract stipulates a volume of hours worked per week, have an active tracker.

💡When a new employee is created, his or her hour tracker is automatically activated on the Sunday before the contract start date.

⚠️ If the employee has no contract or a contract with no start date, his/her tracker is not automatically initialized. In this case you will have to manually choose the tracker initialization date in the employee's file.

💡 You can change the start date of the employee's tracker directly from the employee file. To do this, go to the employee's file > History / Counters > Hour tracker.

Keeping track of the hour tracker

Once the tracker has been activated, it is possible to track overtime (or the number of days worked for employees on a day contract) on a week-by-week basis.

From the schedule

From the week AND employees view on the schedule, the balance of hours accumulated in the employee's tracker can be followed week by week > On the right of the schedule > Click on Trackers.

The balance shown in orange corresponds to the number of overtime hours accumulated by the employee at the end of the week on the schedule. It is realated to the the accumulation of overtime from previous weeks and work and absence shifts scheduled on the current week.

💡Schedule the week's shifts in response to the balance of the hour tracker on the right-hand side of the page: to make up for time lost, or recover extra hours if need be.

⚠️ The tracker, which can be viewed on the right-hand side of the schedule, cannot be modified directly on the schedule. To modify it, head to the employee's file or on the report tab.

⚠️ When the tracker is modified from the employee file or from the report, it is modified at the end of the selected week. The new tracker balance can be read from the schedule for the following week.

From the employee file

The balance of hours worked over or under by an employee can be tracked from the employee's file > History/Trackers > Hour tracker

After inititializing the tracker, you’ll be able to keep track of hours worked week by week :

1/ The employee's total hours worked & absences

2/ Absences to be deducted from the tracker (these are defined in Location Settings > Absences)

3/ The weekly contract hours specified in the employee's contract

4/ The total hours accumulated in the tracker before manual adjustement

5/ Manual adjustements to the tracker

6/ Balance of hour tracker after manual adjustement

When overtime compensation paid at premium rate is activated, a new line will appear in the tracker named “+total additional hours paid at premium rate”.

Two values can be read on this line : the total overtime hours for the week in large + the total hours to be added in brackets.

💡The week of initialization of the employee's tracker is indicated with a blue * next to the number of the week.

Prior to this week, hours worked over or under the weekly contract base are not added to the ctracker. This date cannot be modified: if modifications need to be made, they can be made from the manual tracker modification tab, after the initialization date.

Modifying the hour tracker

The balance of the overtime tracker can be modified manually for several reasons: an error was made when initializing it, the overtime history was not filled in when the tracker was activated, overtime was sistematically paid, the employee started his/her contract in the middle of a week.

From the employee's file

For occasional modifications on an employee's tracker : it can be modified from the employee's file > History/Trackers > Hour tracker.

On the Manual adjustments to the tracker > select a modification week, then click on 0 in the corresponding box.

A window appears, showing :

  • the hour tracker balance at the end of the selected week

  • the number of hours to be added to or removed from the tracker : this value is entered as a decimal ( 1h30 = 1.5, 1h15 = 1.25 ...). 💡 to remove hours from the tracker, add a - in front of the value to be removed

  • the balance of the hours tracker after modification, at the end of the selected week

To view the balance after the tracker modification, head to the Tracker after manual adjustement line

⚠️ Once the modification has been submited, it cannot be undone. A new modification must be done to restore the balance before modification.

⚠️ If a new modification is to be made, once the first modification has been approved the balance of the hour tracker at the end of the selected week is the balance already modified. Hours must therefore be added or substracted from this total.

From the report

If the tracker modification concerns several employees at the same time, it can be made from the Report > Update trackers tab.

This operation is useful when several employees have incorrect balances at the start of the period, or when overtime has been paid partly or fully.

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