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Managing public holidays

This article explains how to plan public holidays that are worked or not worked and how they are taken into account in the report.

Eléonore Prudhomme avatar
Written by Eléonore Prudhomme
Updated over a week ago

Topics covered in this article :

  • Managing public holidays on the schedule

  • Public holidays in the report tab

  • Keeping track of public holidays in the public holiday tracker

👉 See this article, to find out how to set up the public holiday tracker.

Managing public holidays on the schedule

National public holidays are already identified on the schedule with the icon with the icon 🎉

💡These days are set by default, based on national public holidays, but other days can be added if needed, using the the public holiday tracker.

Managing public holidays worked

If the employee works on a public holiday, his working hours need to be entered as a normal working shift on the schedule.

The working hours scheduled for that day will automatically figure in the report in a tab called “Holiday Hours”.

Managing public holidays not worked

  • The employee is on weekly rest: plan a Weekly Rest absence shift on the schedule.

💡In the event of a holiday entered as guaranteed, in the bank holiday tracker, the hours of the Weekly Rest shift will be transferred to the employee's tracker. They may be paid or compensated with time off in lieu, depending on how the tracker is set for that day.

  • The establishment is closed during public holiday : schedule a public holiday absence. The hours will be accounted for work done. It will however appear in the absence tab in the report.

💡If the employee is absent for another reason (paid leave, sick leave, maternity or paternity leave, etc.), scheduling the public holiday depends on the establishment's rules :

  • the employee is absent but the no one is in as it is closed : plan a public holiday absence shift on the schedule

  • the employee is absent but employees are in and working : ignore the public holiday and schedule an absence shift with the reason that corresponds to the employee's absence.

Keep track of public holidays in the report

Please note that public holidays appear differently in the report.

⚠️ The detail for public holidays appear in the report after being exported with Excel, but not in the report tab on the online portal.

  • When the employee is scheduled and works on a public holiday, you will find the breakdown tof hours worked in the column Premium Hours > Holiday Hours

💡Specific columns are provided for the 1st of May and Whit Monday, as part of the solidarity day, to facilitate payroll.

💡If the public holiday tracker is activated, the hours are broken down into columns entitled "Public holidays compensated with time off in lieu" or "Public holiday hours to be paid".

  • When a public holiday absence is entered on the schedule, these hours of absence are listed in the column in the Absences category of the report, so that they are not withdrawn from the payroll.

Public holidays in the employee's public holiday tracker

If the public holiday tracker is activated in the establishment, the hours worked and absences during public holidays will appear in his tracker.

Employee > History / Tracker > Public Holiday Counter.

⚠️ In order to have a Public Holiday tracker tab, your employee must:

  • Be linked to a primary establishment for which the holiday tracker has been activated

  • Not have a “Day rate,” “Extra,” or “Temporary” contract. Solely a fixed-term contract.

Hours worked and non-working hours will be added to the tracker of the employee if :

  • Public holidays are hours worked, the type of compensation is set as "Compensated as time off in lieu" in the bottom line of the chart

  • Public holidays are not worked but guaranteed, and the compensation type is set as "Compensated as time off in lieu" in the bottom line of the chart”

💡To deduct hours from the accrual of time off in lieu > use the absence “time off in lieu for holiday work” on the schedule.

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